Air pollution, oxidation and sulfidation are natural processes that cause your ring to darken.   As you breathe, you naturally exhale gasses into the air. When these gasses come into contact with your silver ring, they slowly tarnish it. Sulfur (which comes from animal sweat) also leads to a silver ring’s darkening. Use of a washing machine can cause water to get onto the silver ring and discolor it and make -up containing oils can leave a yellow stain on the jewelry. To eliminate the oxidation process and prevent silver stains, store your ring in an air tight case like the Five Jewels Rings Keepsake Box , or simply keep it in a small plastic baggy when worn or not in use.

The answer to the question, “What darkens a silver ring?” depends on how you answer it. There are several possible causes, including air pollution, oxidation, sulfidation, water, and make -up. Here are some things that can speed up the process:


In jewelry, oxidation darkens a piece by adding a layer of metal particles to its surface. Over time, the metal particles will wear off and the true color of the silver will be revealed. Because of this, the look of a blackened silver piece is unique. The oxidation process may darken a ring’s silver tone, but the ring will remain beautiful over time.


Sulfidation darkens your silver ring by causing it to react with hydrogen sulfide, a gas that’s present in the air. The more silver is exposed to the air, the more oxidation takes place, forming a layer of silver sulfide. It is also possible to experience oxidation on your silver ring if you wear it a lot.

PH level

If you’re wondering why your silver rings are turning dark, it may be the PH level in your skin. Your skin’s acidity can cause a reaction with your metal rings, causing them to become darkened. Similarly, the chemicals in hand creams can cause the ring’s metals to oxidize. Whether you’re pregnant or not, you should avoid wearing any jewelry when you’re in a moist environment.


It’s not a good look to have a silver ring that’s discolored by make- up, and it can be very difficult to remove it. If you want to avoid this, here are a few things you should do to protect your silver ring. First, avoid applying lotions to your hands while wearing your ring. This increases the risk of discoloration. Second, it’s not a good idea to stress when wearing your ring.

Exposure to air

Many factors can cause a silver ring to tarnish, and the speed of tarnishing will vary depending on the conditions. For example, the sulfur content of water can affect the tarnishing process. Also, certain products like makeup and skin cleansers can cause the silver to darken. If the ring is exposed to these elements, the tarnish may last a long time.

What Darkens a Silver Ring? Result

So there is a way to temporarily turn a silver ring black, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still silver. Silver is an interesting material, and it will tarnish in some examples and not others. Silver can come with impurities or variations that make it react differently to air and water. And, most importantly, it’s the wearer’s opinion that counts the most: if you like your blackened ring, then it’s worth keeping.

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